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KLJ V2 №4 KLJ V2 №4 Популярное

Garaeva A.K., Khafizova А.А. Lexico-semantic features of the hydronymes of the Elabuga county

Abstract. This article discusses the lingo-semantic characteristics of hydronyms of the former Elabuga County. An important task of the domestic onomastics is the in-depth study of the historic-linguistic material of onomastics, its detailed analysis. The scientific interpretation of the results obtained in the course of the research is a wealth of linguistic material for determining the laws of further development and formation of the language. Onomastic studies, revealing the secrets of the past, contribute to obtaining valuable material that reveals a whole complex of interrelated problems of the history of the region, ethnic group and the language itself. Hydronyms play an important role in clarifying the historical names associated with the resettlement of various peoples, and their influence on the development and enrichment of the language. Being one of the most ancient lexical layers, hydronymics is of great importance for the development of the entire onomastic system.

Keywords: onomastic studies, linguistic semantic features, toponymic stratum, hydronyms, ethnos, language.

For citation: Garaeva A.K., Khafizova А.А. Lexico-semantic features of the hydronymes of the Elabuga county. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 5–13. (In Russ)


Sakhibullina K.A. Phraseological units with the ornithonym component in the English and Tatar languages

Abstract. Phraseological units with the ornithonym component are discussed in the article. Phraseological units being inherent part of anthropocentric phraseology, especially those with ornithonym component in different languages can be associated with different properties of people. Comparative study of phraseology of two languages, the signs of two languages helps to define the cultural peculiarities of the peoples speaking the languages.

Keywords: ornithonym component, phraseological units, symbolic meaning, associative meaning.

For citation: Sakhibullina K.A. Phraseological units with the ornithonym component in the English and Tatar languages. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 4 (2): 13–22. (In Tat)


Fedchenko O.D. Baltic hydronony of the Volga-Kama region

Abstract. The article is devoted to linguistic analysis of the hydronyms of the republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Chuvashia. The origin of the names of significant (length of about 100 km or more) rivers of the Volga-Kama region is considered. The taxonomy of the hydronyms that have received a name in the Baltic language environment is systematized. The names of the rivers have an etymology related to such concepts as a river, channel, stream, flow. The proposed article makes it possible to clarify the archaeological and historical aspects of the life of ancient people in the Volga and Prikamye. The opinion is confirmed that the tribes of battle axes were the local population in the Volga-Kama region until the appearance of Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples there.

Keywords: hydronyms, etymology, Kazan, Ufa, Baltisms, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Kama, Volga.

For citation: Fedchenko O.D. Baltic hydronony of the Volga-Kama region. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 22–38. (In Russ)


M.A. Yahin, L.R. Sakaeva. Concept as a basic feature of cognitive linguistics in the works of domestic and foreign linguists

Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of the concept in the works of domestic and foreign linguists. Bringing extensive material from modern literature, the authors describe the conceptual content of the concept, highlight the etymology, lexicographic interpretation of the concept, highlight the problem of correlation of the concept and language units.

Keywords: language, lexical mind frame, concept, meaning.

For citation: M.A. Yahin, L.R. Sakaeva. Concept as a basic feature of cognitive linguistics in the works of domestic and foreign linguists. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 4 (2): 38–47. (In Russ)


Sabirova R.N., Tyabina D.V. Social and legal portrait of an ideal Hindu woman in Dharmashastra texts

Abstract. The article is concerned with the study of women’s status in Ancient India. The Dharmashastras has an extensive written legacy of traditional India. The main sources of research are Manavadharmashastra, Dharmashastra Yajnavalkya, Dharmashastra Narada, Vaishnava – Dharmashastra. These sources are revered and considered as authoritative ones even in modern India. The texts of dharmashastras comprehensively include not only religious and moral issues, but also those that refer to marriage, children upbringing, succession, relations in family and community. It is not feasible to define the real status of a woman in Ancient India. Nevertheless, in the course of study it can be seen that the texts have no contradictions on the question of a woman’s status in a family and community. Being prescriptions, these texts could have a great impact on changing the attitude to women in Ancient India, often to the worse direction. The Dharmashastras, being a peculiar legal document, consolidated the characteristic attitudes of female lawlessness, spreading infringements on women's rights, keeping up such customs and traditions as child marriage, the ban on re-marriage, deprivation of property and inheritance rights, fidelity to the husband after his death, etc.

Keywords: women, dharmashastras, study of Indian culture, Ancient India, gender

For citation: Sabirova R.N., Tyabina D.V. Social and legal portrait of an ideal Hindu woman in Dharmashastra texts. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 48–61. (In Russ)


Belkina, O.E., Torres Martínez, P. Developing of pragmatic competence in teaching Spanish as a foreign language

Abstract. The article discusses the changes in the method of teaching Spanish as a foreign language. The authors are guided by the ideas of the founders of such methods as behaviorism, cognitive science, constructivism, the communicative method to conclude that nowadays the student has lost his role as a listener, and the teacher as a narrator. Today, the student himself sets the goals of independent and valuable learning, and the teacher is an assistant and guide in the educational process. Grammar no longer plays an important role, since a communicative method has appeared in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. The purpose of the education is to learn to speak a foreign language, to express your thoughts and ideas. Long forgotten pragmatics helps in this process. This competency is almost not developed in Spanish classes, due to the fact that there are opinions that speech acts are the same in all languages, but this is not the case. A problem arises: how to teach in Spanish classes, how to present pragmatic competence, and what didactic resources help us with this. The purpose of the article is to determine how to develop pragmatic competence in classes of Spanish as a foreign language and to offer a series of exercises for the practice of speech of the Spanish language. The main results of this article: the teaching of foreign languages is no longer built solely on grammar. The authors came up with the idea that if a student during a lesson uses a foreign language without grammatical errors, then in free speech, in a real communicative situation, pragmatic errors can be observed, and they lead to misunderstanding and conflict. Therefore, it is important to focus teaching on real life situations in the form of dialogues with a pragmatic component.

Keywords: Spanish language, pragmatic, grammar, communicative method, speech acts.

For citation: Belkina, O.E., Torres Martínez, P. Developing of pragmatic competence in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 62–67. (In Spanish)


Gizyatova L.A., Plotnikova N.F. Teaching medical students professionally oriented English

Abstract. The article considers teaching English to medical students from communicative and competence-based approaches. The article briefly reviews the specific features of medical English and possible activities aimed at professional vocabulary acquisition in multi-level learning groups.

Keywords: language, teaching, learning, student, English for special purpose, medicine.

For citation: Gizyatova L.A., Plotnikova N.F. Teaching medical students professionally oriented English. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 67–73. (In Russian)


Zaripova S.Z, Peretochkina S.M. Pedagogical conditions of the formation of intercultural communicative competence of students in the process of professional training in a non-linguistic university

Abstract. The article deals with pedagogical conditions that are effective for the process of formation of intercultural communicative competence of students of non-linguistic universities. The definition of intercultural communicative competence of students of non-linguistic universities is given. The creation of a foreign language professional-oriented environment which contributes to the formation of the motivational orientation of the teacher and students activities in the process of achieving the goal of forming intercultural communicative competence is analyzed. The authors emphasize the need for joint study of a foreign language with the basics of professional disciplines and types of professional activity, as well as the use of innovative learning technologies to achieve the goal of developing intercultural communicative competence of non-linguistic universities’ students.

Keywords: pedagogical conditions, intercultural communicative competence, foreign language, students of non-linguistic universities.

For citation: Zaripova S.Z, Peretochkina S.M. Pedagogical conditions of the formation of intercultural communicative competence of students in the process of professional training in a non-linguistic university. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 74–83. (In Russ)


Ibragimova N.A. Increasing the Effectiveness of Teaching in the Institutions for In-depth Learning of English

Abstract. The effectiveness of training is a set of skills, concepts, the ability to see the root of the cause, the establishment of causal relationships between phenomena and objects, the ability to explore and analyze the learning process, the ability to predict subsequent events, their development based on monitoring and analysis. In recent years, interest in a foreign language has increased significantly, and English is increasingly becoming a means of international communication. And now the teacher cannot talk about the lack of interest among students to learning a foreign language, since knowledge of the language is important and meaningful, necessary in the modern world. Therefore, it is necessary to support the motivation to learn, strive to help and explain the students, engage them and overcome difficulties encountered in the process of learning. This may be gained, for example, on the base of “Halo Effect” which can psychologically influence students' motivation depending on the external setting. An experiment conducted with two groups of schoolchildren showed that the “Halo Effect” can play both a positive and a negative role in the subsequent educationalprocess: namely, the student either mobilizes all his internal resources or aims atfurther success, or everything happens exactly the opposite.

Keywords: efficiency, development,‘halo effect’, foreign language training, positive motivation, interdisciplinary or metasubjectlinks

For citation: Ibragimova N.A. Increasing the Effectiveness of Teaching in the Institutions for In-depth Learning of English. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 84–98. (In Russ)


Kirpichnikova A.A. The acquaintance with the culture of English-speaking countries while teaching foreign language

Abstract. The article is devoted to cultural aspect realization while teaching foreign language and topicality of the problem is proven by large amount of conferences on intercultural communication which are held and by the course on cultural studies and anthropology included in curriculum. The authors point out that it is necessary not only to make students know customs and traditions of English-speaking countries but also to develop the tolerance to all other cultures. Knowledge of cultural features is considered as the essential part of successful communication and this knowledge is thought to be highly important to solve some communicative tasks. The lesson on the topic “Learning to live in society” from Spotlight is given as an example of successful use of intercultural communication foundations while teaching English. However, the cultural aspect is significant during teaching language not only at school but also in universities.

Keywords: intercultural communication, teaching English, cultural aspect.

For citation: Kirpichnikova A.A. The acquaintance with the culture of English-speaking countries while teaching foreign language. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 98–108. (In Russ)


Mirzieva L.R., Nurieva L.F. About the use of E-learning technologies in teaching foreign languages

Abstract. The relevance of the study is due to a gradual process of digitization of higher education in Russia and abroad. This study presents leading trends and models of e-education. The conclusion is made about the prospect of the implementation of the network education model in the Russian higher school. Using the example of one European (German) and one Oriental (Chinese) language, we analyzed some digital technologies used in foreign language teaching, particularly project activities.

Keywords: higher education, e-education, e-education models, modern educational technologies, project form of education.

For citation: Mirzieva L.R., Nurieva L.F. About the use of E-learning technologies in teaching foreign languages. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 108–121. (In Russ)


Sigal N.G. Lingua-cultural approach to the process of foreign language teaching

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the importance of the lingua-cultural approach to the process of Foreign Language Teaching. The author analyzes the issues associated with the rethinking and modernization of Foreign Language Teaching due to the requirements of modern educational standards. The author focused on the issues of designing the educational process to actualize the motivational and cognitive interest of students in the process of Foreign language Learning and their communicative abilities based on expanding the opportunities for students to work independently as part of the integration of lesson and extracurricular activities when studying texts of fiction.

Keywords: lingua-cultural approach, student, education, text activity, competence.

For citation: Sigal N.G. Lingua-cultural approach to the process of foreign language teaching. Kazan linguistic journal. 2019; 4 (2): 121–129. (In Russ)


Sokolova I.I. Competitiveness of the modern English teacher in the condition of electronic technologies development

Abstract. The article is devoted to burning issues of competitiveness of a teacher of higher education in the rapidly changing conditions of the labor market, the development of electronic technologies and the requirements imposed by the state. The main purpose of this study is to highlight the characteristics of the competitiveness of a university school teacher. As a research method, a review of scientific and pedagogical literature and the Internet resources of leading universities are used.

Keywords: pedagogical competence, competitiveness, electronic educational resources, MOOC, university teacher, higher education.

For citation: Sokolova I.I. Competitiveness of the modern English teacher in the condition of electronic technologies development. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 4 (2): 130–139.


Khakimzyanova A.S. Primary teaching reading the original text in the context of integrated teaching of a foreign language

Abstract. The presence of learning motivation makes the activity of teaching understanding more focused, and also contributes to the active attitude of the learner to its mastering. However, the presence of the motive is not enough to achieve the planned result of the activity. For this, it is necessary to use functionally appropriate educational textual material that meets the level of development of the trainees and prompts the resolution of the semantic task. The purpose of this article is to review the main content of a short course of educational reading in the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university, as well as to identify the possibility of its functional impact with teaching other types of speech activity. The development of the proposed short course of educational reading in teaching a foreign language involves the formation of the fundamentals of reading activity of trainees in transforming the semantic content of the original educational texts for further class and independent work of students. The educational activity of students is considered as a three-level structure, which includes the following stages: an indicative stage, an operational-executive, final (achievement of the final communicative result of activity). Accounting for basic psychological patterns finds expression in a strict sequence of stages of teaching the semantic deciphering of the original educational text and the corresponding educational actions and operations. Teaching to understand the original printed text is considered by the author in terms of integrated teaching, therefore, in her opinion, it is necessary to find out the possibilities of functional interaction of the developed course of educational reading with teaching other types of speech activity.

Keywords: teaching a foreign language, educational reading, educational activity, student, class work, independent study, educational text.

For citation: Khakimzyanova A.S. Primary teaching reading the original text in the context of integrated teaching of a foreign language. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 4 (2): 139–149. (In Russ)


Kharapudko E.N.  Skills Formation of Speaking with Reference to British Manuals.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of modern education, as a comprehensive use of information technology in the formation of speaking skills among students of the UK schools. Examples of practical tasks that motivate active speaking of students and their involvement in the process of the lesson, where speaking skills are needed, are given. The article also deals with the integration of traditional and modern innovative teaching methods and the necessity of individual approach to students. That is, a differentiated approach is put at the forefront in the formation of all skills while studying various aspects of the language, and primarily speaking. This article can be useful for both school teachers and students studying teaching techniques of the English language.

Keywords: information technology, speaking skills, students, teacher, teaching techniques.

For citation: Kharapudko E.N. Skills Formation of Speaking with Reference to British Manuals. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 4 (2): 149–156. (In Russ)



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