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KLJ V2 №3 KLJ V2 №3 Популярное

Verbova M.V., Saltykova E.A. Translation of poetic text: reinterpretation or creativity?

Abstract. The main difficulties of poetic translation, which define creative character of this process, are analyzed in the article. The problem of correlation between text form and content,  i. e. between its “letter” and “spirit” is revealed the most keenly in poetic translation. Choosing some components and disregarding the others, a poet-translator appears as a master of art expression and gives new life to a foreign-language work in the space of his own culture.

Keywords: poetic translation, free translation, literalism, linguistic personality.

For citation: Verbova M.V., Saltykova E.A. Translation of poetic text: reinterpretation or creativity? Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 5–13. (In Russ.)


Gainutdinova A.Z. Analysis of the structural and semantic features of multicomponent terms in English (in the sublanguage of biotechnology)

Abstarct. This work is devoted to a comprehensive study of structural and semantic features of multicomponent terms (hereinafter MCT) in the English sublanguage of biotechnology. This sublanguage or language for special purposes began its formation relatively recently and includes the vocabulary of such subject areas as bionics, biopharmacology, nanomedicine, cloning and others. Studying features of MCT Drozdov, Greenev and Egorshina reveal that multicomponent terms are so prevalent in the technology sector primarily at the expense of their integrity. The analysis of three-, four-, five- and six- component terms of biotechnologies sublanguage revealed the predominance of three-component terms with a tendency to increase the number of components in the term due to the constant complication of the conceptual field. Such a process is caused by the desire for the accuracy of meaning expression, since it is known that with the increase in the number of components in the MCT, the degree of its polysemy decreases, which is important in the presence of a rapidly growing number of terms in this sphere.

Key words: language, English, multicomponent term, sublanguage, biotechnology.

For citation: Gainutdinova A.Z. Analysis of the structural and semantic features of multicomponent terms in English (in the sublanguage of biotechnology). Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 13–23. (In Russ.)


Gilyazieva G.Z. Adjectives of width parameter in English and Tatar languages

Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the functioning of the adjective width parameter in English and Tatar languages. The ratio of adjectives is 2.4 in English and 4.5 in Tatar, which indicates the low frequency of the antonym pair “narrow” in Tatar. The most frequent word combinations in English are wide road; wide belt, wide street, but their total frequency is 2-3 times lower than the most frequent expressions in Tatar language kin kaesh, urman, yul. When analyzing quantitative data it is necessary: firstly, to take into account the combining potential; secondly, to take into account synonymous turns.

Keywords: parametric adjective, parameter width, frequency, operation synonym

For citation: Gilyazieva G.Z. Adjectives of width parameter in English and Tatar languages. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 24–30. (In Russ.)


Kalegina T.E. Features of the translation of the Hollywood movies titles from English into Russian and German

Abstract. Translation of movie titles is an important task in the conditions of the modern world. This translation can be attributed to the commercial type, since it is focused on the commercial success of the movie. In this case, the translator acts as an intermediary between texts in the source language and the target language. The translator can achieve the greatest communicative effect by adapting the title of the movie to the specificity of the receiving environment. Drawing up the title of the movie, as well as its translation, is a very complex and multi-tasking process. It is necessary to create a competent heading structure for a film of a particular genre affiliation and select, if necessary, stylistic figures. It is important to create an attractive, concise title that will attract the attention of the viewer. In addition, the title should be translated keeping the link with the content. The purpose of our study is to analyze the main strategies and ways of translating movie titles to determine the adequacy of translating movie titles from English into Russian and German, as well as identifying lexical and grammatical features of translation and identifying adaptation strategies used by translators. In order to achieve the goals we achieved the following tasks: to present the classification of the titles of movies; define the functions of movie titles and identify the basic techniques and strategies of translation.

Key words: Linguistics, translation, movie title, English, German, the English language, the German language.

For citation: Kalegina T.E. Features of the translation of the Hollywood movies titles from English into Russian and German. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 30–57. (In Russ.)


Lutfullina G.F. The reportative category in judicial discourse (on examples of English)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of speech tactics and strategies in the implementation of which reportative category is involved. The reportative category means reference to third sources. The reportative category can act as a constructive element of the strategy of appeal to the mind when the speaker has the intention to make his statement more reasoned, weighty and justified. The reportative category can also be an instrument of emotional impact on jurors.

Keywords: reportative category, speech tactics, speech strategy, legal discourse.

For citation: Lutfullina G.F. The reportative category in judicial discourse (on examples of English). Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 58–66. (In Russ.)


Magfurova S.O., Rizatdinova L.D. On the functioning of the numerals in the structure of newspaper report

Abstract. The article discusses the features of the language of print media on the material of newspaper report. The authors put forward the point of view, according to which the basis of genre-compositional aspect of the report is clearly presented factual material. Examples of specific methods of journalistic evaluation and processing of statistical material are given in confirmation. The authors conclude that the important factual material of any serious reportage is the use of figures that perform the function of information and argumentation in the journalistic text.

Key words: Newspaper report, journalistic text, figures, numerals, factual material.

For citation: Magfurova S.O., Rizatdinova L.D. On the functioning of the numerals in the structure of newspaper report. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 66–72. (In Russ.)


Martynov D.E., Glushkova S.Yu. Athanasius Kircher’ Theory of the Chinese Language Appearance

Abstract. This study presents the main provisions of the theory the origin of Chinese language, presented by Athanasius Kircher (1602 – 1680). Kircher, who known primarily for his studies on the Coptic language and attempts to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics, was also interested in Chinese. In modern historiography he is called among the predecessors of figurism – hermeneutic doctrine, whose Jesuit followers support the doctrine of the single primordial Verity given in the divine Revelation, which Noah’s descendants spread across all nations and continents. Kircher considered Egyptian hieroglyphics to be the invention of Mercury Trismegistus. Ham, Noah’ Son, identified with Zoroaster brought hieroglyphs to China. Kircher did not associate hieroglyphics with the spoken language, and therefore offered only a symbolic interpretation of ideographic writing. The Chinese letters, according to his opinion, was not the bearer of the secret, but he considered it a universal mechanism, providing mutual understanding of the speakers of different Chinese dialects, as well as people of Japan, Korea and Vietnam, whose languages differed from Chinese. The article presents the first Russian translation of chapters 1 and 5 of the sixth part of the treatise China illustrata, which sets forth the views of A. Kircher on these subjects.

Keywords: hermeneutics, linguistics, Chinese, Athanasius Kircher, theory of language, figurism.

For citation: Martynov D.E., Glushkova S.Yu. Athanasius Kircher’ Theory of the Chinese Language Appearance. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 73–85. (In Russ.)


Palutina O.G., Sabitova V.E. Information representation in the court discourse

Abstract. In the article speech tactics of the court discourse as a specific part of the law discourse are considered. The communicative purpose of participants in the court is to convince the interlocutor and prove their position. Speech tactics implemented to render psychological impact are different. Thus, we can observe the representation of information source from different points of view and using different speech tactics. This difference is illustrated with examples of utterances of participants of the court.

Key words: law discourse, speech strategy, speech tactics, information representation, speech impact, pragmatics.

For citation: Palutina O.G., Sabitova V.E. Information representation in the court discourse. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 85–93. (In Russ.)


Filipenko E.A., Silakova S.A. Analysis of Xu Shen radical system in the works of modern researchers

Abstract. Chinese writing has a close link with the culture of this country, which had an important impact on the evolution of the language. Radicals are basic symbol elements of Chinese writing, which have a special significance and meaning, but despite the fact that hieroglyphic radicals (keys) play a crucial role in mastering Chinese writing and their etymology allows us to trace the evolution of the development of hieroglyphic characters, this topic has been little studied in Russian synology In this connection, it is of a particular interest to modern researchers. Xu Shen was the first to create a system of classification Chinese characters by using basic graphic elements. This article describes some aspects of the modern analysis of the radical system of Chinese writing, presented by Chinese authors. This article presents a modern analysis of the first key system consists of 540 symbols created by Xu Sheng during the systematization of hieroglyphs in the dictionary "Showen jiezi", as well as data on options about reducing the number of radicals. The materials of this research can be used in further etymological and cultural studies, as historical changes in the elements of Chinese writing reflects the general socio-cultural changes in Chinese society.

Keywords: Chinese language, key system, characters, radicals, Xu Shen, Showen Jiezi

For citation: Filipenko E.A., Silakova S.A. Analysis of Xu Shen radical system in the works of modern researchers. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 93–100. (In Russ.)


Vetchinnikova I.V. Development of students’ creative abilities in English lessons using elements of TRIZ technology

Abstract. This work is devoted to the study of ways how to develop the students' creative abilities in English lessons. The author draws our attention to the elements of innovative pedagogical system of continuous formation of creative thinking NFTM-TRIZ, created by Professor Miloslav Mihajlovnoj Zinovkin on the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) The main aim of this system is forming students' creative personality. When a child feels curiosity and amazement, solves problems overcoming difficulties, the development of creative intellection will be.

Keywords: methods of TRIZ-technology, general education, NFTM-TRIZ, theory of inventive problem solving

For citation: Vetchinnikova I.V. Development of students’ creative abilities in English lessons using elements of TRIZ technology. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 101–108. (In Russ.)


Kalinina E.A., Haydarowa L.R. Difficulties of teaching of clutch words in Chinese: reasons and ways to solve the problem

Abstract. Clutch words are a special group of words in the Chinese language, which has special rules and methods of usage. It is precisely the ignorance of these rules that often leads to mistakes made during the study of Chinese by students. A high percentage of errors is the evidence of that these words are difficult to learn, but it is impossible to speak Chinese in accurate way without a careful study of these words, because this group of words makes a list of the most common words. In the educational materials on the Chinese language used by Russian students in universities, it is not often possible to find a description of clutch words, as for the exercises to work out these words, we find them even less often. This article contains an analysis of the causes of errors in the use of clutch words, it also presents ideas for editing of teaching materials and some teaching strategies that will improve the process of teaching this category of words.

Key words: Chinese language, clutch words, errors analysis, editing of teaching materials, teaching strategy.

For citation: Kalinina E.A., Haydarowa L.R. Difficulties of teaching of clutch words in Chinese: reasons and ways to solve the problem. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 109–118. (In Russ.)


Kotova A.V. Profession-oriented Latin language teaching in the conditions of globalization

Abstract. In the article the main features of the era of globalization are identified, the role of the education process in modern conditions is highlighted. The significance of Latin as an international science language and the need for studying it by students of biological training programs is substantiated. Profession-oriented Latin language teaching contributes to the expansion of the horizon, the growth of professional language culture and the formation of a competitive specialist. Knowledge of Latin in the field of professional interaction contributes to international communication and the dissemination of the latest scientific achievements, the expansion of international scientific contacts and the creation of joint research projects.

Keywords: globalization, education, biology, ecology, Latin language, science language, professional interaction.

For citation: Kotova A.V. Profession-oriented Latin language teaching in the conditions of globalization. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 119–123. (In Russ.)


Nalimova I.S., Valeev A.A. Information and communication competence development through teaching rendering professionally focused English articles to students

Abstract. This article is devoted to the process of formation of the skill of rendering professionally-oriented articles in English for students in a non-language faculties. The article investigates the issue of information and communication competence through training in rendering skills. The requirements necessary in the formation of this skill are presented. The difficulties that students face when learning to abstract articles in their field of study are discussed. The plan and speech clichés for rendering professional-oriented scientific articles are proposed.

Keywords: rendering, article, English for specific purposes, information communication competence.

For citation: Nalimova I.S., Valeev A.A. Information and communication competence development through teaching rendering professionally focused English articles to students. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 124–135. (In Russ.)


Nikonorova L.M., Maminova L.V. The use of project-based learning in professionally-oriented foreign language teaching of students in a technical university

Abstract. This article is devoted to the actual problem of pedagogical science: the use of project training in the preparation of students for the use of a foreign language in practice for professional purposes. The possibilities of the project technology on a concrete example of the project implemented with students on the theme "Climate Change and its consequences" are shown. Particular attention is paid to the understanding of a foreign language text, the development of students' skills in analysis and application of new information, participation in mass open online courses (MOOCs) to obtain relevant knowledge in a foreign language.

Keywords: project training, globalization and education, foreign language text, information analysis.

For citation: Nikonorova L.M., Maminova L.V. The use of project-based learning in professionally-oriented foreign language teaching of students in a technical university. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 136–143. (In Russ.)


Pomortseva N.P., Antonova S.P. The problem of teaching special vocabulary in comprehensive school

Abstract. The article deals with the issues of teaching English vocabulary as one of the key tasks of modern Foreign Languages Teaching Methods in general. The authors discuss the problem of the feasibility and quality of teaching the special vocabulary of the foreign language in the comprehensive school on the materials of the topic Clothing. Fashion. The methodological basis of the research is the works of N. D. Galskova, R. Bart. The material for the practical part of the study was the texts of the popular modern school course books Spotlight (for general education schools) and Starlight (for schools with in-depth study of the English language). The results of the study showed an insufficient number of special vocabulary to consider this relevant topic, and also revealed the need for a more detailed consideration of the topic in the framework of the general education program.

Key words: vocabulary, special vocabulary, clothing, fashion, foreign language, English.

For citation: Pomortseva N.P., Antonova S.P. The problem of teaching special vocabulary in comprehensive school. Kazan Linguistics Journal. 2019; 3 (2): 144–155. (In Russ.)


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