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KLJ V2 №1 KLJ V2 №1 Популярное

Abdrakhmanova A.A. Plural form of subject as a way of expressing a reported source of information in the English language

Abstract. The paper reviews the questions concerned with the category of evidentiality, plural form of subjects, ways of expressing a source of information in the English language. It shows that indirect evidentiality requires special linguistic means and plural form is one of the ways of expressing a source of information in indirect evidentiality.

Keywords: language, English, evidentiality, indirect evidentiality, plural form, subject, source of information.

For citation: Abdrakhmanova A.A. Plural form of subject as a way of expressing a reported source of information in the English language. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 5–10.


Gimadeeva A.A., Garifullina D.B., Garaeva M.R. Lexical-semantic aspect of the concept “fear” (on the material of the English and Tatar phraseological units with the component-zoonim)

Abstract. The gravity of the problem under study is specified by the fact that the research of concepts through their linguistic explicates is currently one of the issues of the modern cognitive linguistics, which in turn, helps to reveal the very structure of the concept. A comparison of the equivalent concepts in the English and Tatar language pictures of the world enables disclosing their cultural identity. The aim of the article is to discover the lexical-semantic features of the concept “fear” as well as identify the universal and national characteristics in representation of the analyzed concept through phraseological means of the English and Tatar languages. The science-based approach will dominate in the process of this problem investigation. Descriptive-analytical and comparative scientific methods of research are used. The methods of component, contextual and statistical analysis are employed. The authors also partially use the method of idiomatic modeling. As a rule, certain characteristics and features of people are transferred through a definite image of an animal. The names of the animals within the phraseological units are mainly used in figurative sense. About 5 animal names have been involved in the Tatar and English phraseological units. We have revealed universal and national features in the analyzed concepts and their representations by phraseological means of the English and Tatar languages.

Keywords: English, Tatar, concept, phraseological unit, zoonim.

For citation: Gimadeeva A.A., Garifullina D.B., Garaeva M.R. Lexical-semantic aspect of the concept “fear” (on the material of the English and Tatar phraseological units with the component-zoonim). Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 11–18. (In Russ.)


Danielyan N.V. Sign and meaning

Abstract. The article examines relations between sign and meaning in the history of philosophy from Aristotle up to nowadays while attracting semiotic concepts and modern research in cognitive linguistics. According to the author, language as a system of signs was not always transparent for thought in the classic philosophy. That is why researches appealed to it indirectly as the need arose, but they did not use it as a basic subject for discussions and study. The emergence of linguistic direction can be associated with some subjectivity of conceptions concerning language in philosophical investigations of the non-classic period. G. Frege was one of its founders who introduced the difference between sense and meaning in science according to his research of pure thinking forms without any attraction of its content. Further, the article analyses the linguistic concept offered by F. de Saussure as a founder of structural method. He believed that a sign in language was a unity of meaning and meant. Moreover, some concepts of representatives of structuralism (C. Levi-Stauss), post-structuralism (R. Barthes) and analytic philosophy (Ch. Peirce) are being discussed as well as the semiotic concept by Yu. M. Lotman. The author concludes that the argument concerning language signs has gained and keeps both an ontological component (researching if a word could be an independent entity or the same sign in a set of others), and an epistemological one (if a word could be a tool to study the essence of things or it is related only to their existence). Hence, the central problem of the linguistic direction in semiotics is still the correlation between sign and meaning.

Key words: semiotics, language, sign, meaning, cognitive linguistics, philosophy of language, thinking.

For citation: Danielyan N.V. Sign and meaning. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 18–31. (In Russ.)


Elkin V.V., Melnikova E.N. To the question of the lexico-semantic means of the linguocreative arsenal of a fashion blogger

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the constitutive lexico-semantic means of the fashion blog as one of the most popular forms of commercial self-realisation in the blogosphere anda multi-faceted linguocommunicative phenomenon of the computer-mediated communication. During the research it is determined that the choice of linguocommunicative means of a fashion blogger is stipulated by the urgent imperative to create attractive content for a wide target audience with the help of linguocreative arsenal of language means with distinct expressive, emotional, evaluative, stylistic, pragmatic connotations performing the informative function transmitting the personal attitude of a blogger to the issues of a specific thematic focus, and aimed at motivating and stimulating the audience to perform certain actions of the commercial character.

Keywords: blogosphere, fashion blog, fashion blogger, lexical-semantic means.

For citation: Elkin V.V., Melnikova E.N. To the question of the lexico-semantic means of the linguocreative arsenal of a fashion blogger. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 32–49. (In Russ.)


Karamova J.J. Chinese characters in Korean language

Abstract. Chinese hieroglyphics is an integral part of East Asian countries culture. The use of Chinese characters is associated: firstly, with constant interaction with China, secondly, with the lack of its own national script. The penetration of hieroglyphs into Korea is associated with the fall of the state of Ancient Joseon. The literary Chinese or Wenyan, in the Korean version Hunmun, was used by the educated part of Koreans. Chinese characters were used in writing, but Koreans still spoke in Korean. All of which led to the fact that over time Chinese written language became an integral part of not only Korean, but Korean culture as well. The peculiarity of the hieroglyphics of the Korean language is that the hieroglyphs have not undergone reforms and have not taken a simplified form. This means that the traditional hieroglyphs are used to this day. According to the method of derivation, hieroglyphs can be divided into the following types: pictographic, index hieroglyphs, ideographic, phonographic, borrowings, and hieroglyphs with altered meaning. There are also such variants of hieroglyphs as abbreviations, vulgarisms, and various types of writing, that is, different outlines of hieroglyphs coexisting in the same writing style.

Keywords: hieroglyphics, Wenyan, Hunmun, Korean language, traditional hieroglyphics.

For citation: Karamova J.J. Chinese characters in Korean language. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 49–53. (In Russ.)


Nurgalieva L.A., Motygullina Z.A., Saidasheva E.A. American teenager`s vocabulary and peculiarities of translation into Russian (on F. Kast`s novels)

Abstract. The article deals with the translation of the colloquial vocabulary of the American youth and the complexity of their translation from English into Russian language. As a source of examples was taken the series of books written by the popular American writer F. Kast. A translation into Russian was made by V.A. Maximova. In this article, we analyze examples of the usege of youth slang, most of which can be attributed to the vulgar and abusive vocabulary. Speaking about the Russian translation, it should be noted that V.A. Maksimova most often selected functional analogs, omissions, replacements and compensations. In our opinion, the translator did her best to as close as possible, in terms of stylistics, to the original. Despite this, it should be said that in any case even the most masterfully executed translation loses the original, since not a single translator can convey all the specifics and color of the original language.

Key words: slang, colloquial vocabulary, translation, English and Russian languages, F. Kast, American youth.

For citation: Nurgalieva L.A., Motygullina Z.A., Saidasheva E.A. American teenager`s vocabulary and peculiarities of translation into Russian (on F. Kast`s novels). Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 53–62.


Sakaeva L.R., Rodríguez C.R. The use of words in linguistic summarization of large data volumes

Abstract. Natural language is the main resource of people to communicate and understand phenomena and processes. The accelerated introduction of information and communication technologies in all fields of society promotes the generation of large data volumes which contains words, codes, symbols, and numbers. However, originally only a small part of this data can be understood and used by people. There are computational approaches that, using soft computing techniques and natural language, construct summaries in form of sentences which describe large volumes of data. The purpose of this paper is to briefly describe a method used in linguistic summaries construction, emphasizing the use of natural language to offer relevant and comprehensive information about data. First, a background on the linguistic summarization of data is presented. Then two examples of the application of this technique to different databases are analyzed. In both cases, short sentences in natural language are obtained that offer summarized information about the data. In the second example, the beneficiaries showed a satisfaction index of 0.7 according to Iadov's logical framework.

Keywords: large data volumes, linguistic data summarization, natural language, word.

For citation: Sakaeva L.R., Rodríguez C.R. The use of words in linguistic summarization of large data volumes. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 62–75.


Khisamova V.N., Ibatulina L.M. Compounding, conversion and abbreviation as ways of formation of chemical terminology in English and Tatar languages

Abstract. Terminology plays an important role in science. Without knowledge of terminology it is impossible to be an expert in any of the scientific spheres of life. The rapid development of science leads to the emergence of new terms. Thus, the systematization and standardization of chemical terminology is an important question today. The article deals with the methods of word formation in English and Tatar chemical terminology on the example of compounding, conversion and abbreviation. The choice of these methods of term formation is due to their high productivity. The purpose of the present study is to identify the features of these methods of word formation in the chemical term system of two genetically unrelated and typologically diverse languages and to determine their linguistic representation in academic texts. The general models of word composition typical for the languages studied in this article are considered and presented. There are differences in models that are productive for each language in case of conversion. In the presentation of the abbreviation we presented models which are common both for the English and the Tatar languages.

Keywords: compounding, conversion, abbreviations, terminology, chemical terminology, the English language, the Tatar language.

For citation: Khisamova V.N., Ibatulina L.M. Compounding, conversion and abbreviation as ways of formation of chemical terminology in English and Tatar languages. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 75–85. (In Russ.)


Shangaraeva L.F. Semantic “inaccuracies” in the translation of phraseological units (on the works of W. Collins)

Abstract. One of the current trends of comparative research at the present time is a comparative analysis of phraseological units in genetically related or distantly related, as well as in typologically heterogeneous languages. The phraseological fund captures the rich historical experience of the people. It reflects the ideas connected with the life and culture of people. Nowadays it is significant to study the problem of reflecting national culture in language. In light of the above, the relevance of the study is beyond doubt. An incorrect translation of phraseological units can lead to a partial loss of meaning and not give the recipient the communicative effect that the author intended to achieve. Phraseological units of English, French and Russian in the work of William Collins “The Dead Secret” selected as the object of this study are of great interest, since the specifics of the transfer of English phraseological units into Russian and French in works of art and the identification of semantic “inaccuracies” the translation of the studied phraseological units allows to speak about the cultural-national specifics of the phraseological composition of the studied languages.

Keywords: phraseological units, English, Russian, French, semantic inaccuracies, translation of phraseological units.

For citation: Shangaraeva L.F. Semantic “inaccuracies” in the translation of phraseological units (on the works of W. Collins). Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 85–94. (In Russ.)


Kozlova Yu.A. Comparative analysis of the concepts «Путешествие / Travel» in the value-based aspect in Russian and English linguistic cultures

Abstract. This article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the concepts “путешествие/travel” in the value-based aspect in Russian and English linguistic cultures. The concepts study is the relevant direction of modern linguistics as this foreshortening allows considering a word in the context of culture, knowledge and communication.

Key words: linguistics, concept, linguistic culture, English linguistic culture, Russian linguistic culture

For citation: Kozlova Yu.A. Comparative analysis of the concepts «Путешествие / Travel» in the value-based aspect in Russian and English linguistic cultures. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 95–102.


Mubarakshina A.M. Verbalization of semantic oppositions with moral meaning in contemporary literary text (on the novels by Sergey Minaev)

Abstract. In today's society firmly established the trend toward the devaluation of spiritual values, indifference, cruelty. Meanwhile, it is widely known that the word itself is originally of a moral nature. Therefore, the study of verbal units in the aspect of moral principles is connected with the statement about the need to consolidate the spiritual guidelines of the modern man, the native speaker. Language, for its part, determines the latter's belonging to a particular ethnic culture, embodying and accumulating its moral and mental characteristics. Culture also verbalizes key categories (concepts) through language, presenting their symbolic embodiment. These key concepts determine the linguistic picture of the iconic representatives of linguistic culture, being reflected in the artistic continuum of his works. This fact determines the relevance and importance of studying the methods of verbal representation of the category "morality-immorality" on the example of literary texts of the modern Russian-speaking writer can help clarify the understanding of the basic elements of the language picture of the world.

Key words: Russian language, vocabulary, morality, linguoculturology, literary text.

For citation: Mubarakshina A.M. Verbalization of semantic oppositions with moral meaning in contemporary literary text (on the novels by Sergey Minaev). Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 103–111. (In Russ.)


Kopylova N.A. The peculiarities of partnership learning communities in higher educational establishments

Abstract. This article examines the peculiarities of partnership relations in university educational communities and the possibilities of different events on the basis of partnership. Partnership learning communities are at the centre, unifying all the areas of partnership activity, and providing a focus for developing partnerships in practice on the basis of cooperation and interaction between partners (activity subjects).

Keywords: learning community, partnership, cooperation, interaction, partner.

For citation: Kopylova N.A. The peculiarities of partnership learning communities in higher educational establishments. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 112–124. (In Russ.)


Makarihina E.A., Morkovina A.Yu. The spiritual and moral education of the readers is the mission children`s and youth library as an integral, intergative system (on the example of interaction of the Saratov RCYL named after A. S. Pushkin with the universities of Saratov)

Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of spiritual and moral education in the modern children's and youth library. The author reveals the problem of the functioning of the children's and youth library in the information space, describes the role of libraries of this type in integration processes, which are considered as a system-forming element of the information and educational space. The integrative role of the library is determined, which ensures the effect of the integrity of the information and educational space in the internal and external directions. The most detailed consideration is the external direction of integration, which provides for the access of the youth library to the global information and educational spaces of the city, region, country, world. This material is of interest both for employees of children's, youth, children's and youth libraries, and for researchers dealing with issues of library and pedagogical activity in Russia at the present stage.

Keywords: spiritual and moral education, children and youth libraries, the formation of value orientations among the readers of adolescence, the library as an integrative system, socio-cultural and information-educational space.

For citation: Makarihina E.A., Morkovina A.Yu. The spiritual and moral education of the readers is the mission children`s and youth library as an integral, intergative system (on the example of interaction of the Saratov RCYL named after A. S. Pushkin with the universities of Saratov). Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 125–140. (In Russ.)


Nikitina S.E. Classical and recent approaches to teaching foreign languages to journalism and media communication students

Abstract. This study reveals the problem of teaching foreign languages to future journalists in the context of globalization and the large-scale development of information technologies. Attention to the issue of learning foreign languages is dictated by their special role in the professional activities of journalists, which cover almost the entire world geography and include systematic communication in a foreign language with native speakers. Under the conditions of constant transformations, it is not only the student audience that is changing, in particular, journalism and media communication students, by the example of which the high rate of transformations of the surrounding world becomes especially noticeable due to the specifics of their profession. Higher education, functioning in the age of the "digits", also undergoes great changes in terms of material selection and educational approaches. This article examines the feasibility of combining classical and modern educational technologies in the process of teaching a foreign language to future journalists. The article presents examples of how to apply the classical approach with tasks options based on the peculiarities of journalism and media communication with an emphasis on the communicative approach, the need for which arises from personal characteristics formed by journalists in the process of their professional activity. Along with classical methods, modern formats for conducting classes in a foreign language are also introduced, for example working with authentic feature films and project activities in the form of video blogging.

Key words: journalism, media communication, education, foreign language, student, professional communication

For citation: Nikitina S.E. Classical and recent approaches to teaching foreign languages to journalism and media communication students. Kazan Linguistic Journal. 2019; 2 (1): 140–153. (In Russ.)


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